Tuesday 15 April 2014

do not hump

National Steel Car
Industrial Sector


William Kendall said...

Surely there's a perfectly sound and technical reason for the saying... but for those of us whose mind goes in the other direction, if a person would be inclined to hump that... well, they'd have some issues that would need serious time in a place with padded walls.

LOLfromPasa said...

Oops! I had better not say anything here except this is a nice photo :).

Kay said...

There are always weird people who need to be told what not to do... ;-)

Stuart said...

That never would have occurred to me... no sign necessary.

hamilton said...

here we go - the explanation!
Hump Yard: A yard where gravity and powered switches sort incoming trains onto correct tracks. DO NOT HUMP signs are placed on cars that must not use a hump yard because of cargo restrictions or car age.