Tuesday 27 November 2012

paupers graves

 St George's Benevolent Society
for a Taphophile Tragics at Hamilton Cemetery


Anonymous said...

Interesting photo -- how the stones are lined up, and then the road is winding. Very nice!

Lowell said...

I'm sorry but my first thought was "Line 'em up and shoot 'em down." I was reminded of those shooting galleries at carnivals! :-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well done Hamilton. So many interesting aspects to this image. I was wondering what time of the day you shot it, the way the shadows fall and create a double line is really clever.

hamilton said...

this was taken mid afternoon. usually the sun is in my way, this time it was in my favour.

CaT said...

thankd for letting me know about taphophiles, i will check it out soon!
are those numbered graves?

Beneath Thy Feet said...

How interesting. Here in the UK paupers graves do not have markers.

Bridgit's Bell said...

I have also seen soldiers gravestones lined up like this.